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Sunday, May 2, 2010

10 Best Advice Articles for the Financially Challenged

Yep, that's me, working on Sunday. I have a boatload of errands to run tomorrow so I decided to post today instead.

What I am bringing you on this peaceful Sunday morning are blessings. Below are what I consider to be the ten best web articles offering advice for those who struggle financially. If you could incorporate even one piece of advice from these experts in finance into your daily life, you would see a difference in your situation in a short time.

Good luck, happy Sunday, and by all means pass this post along!

1. Here is an article from MSN Money with a good deal of financial advice that everyone should read.

2. When I found this article all I could say was, "WOW!" There is SO much information here you need to help you with your financial dilemma. Read and absorb.

3. Kiplinger.Com has won awards for editorial excellence, and I can see why. Check out this FREE family budget worksheet they offer on their site and check out some of the great articles there. Bookmark this one.

4. I love this blog, Financial Samurai, and here is a really great article offering advice on how to provide yourself with job security. But be sure to check out the whole site. Another one to bookmark.

5. Here is a similar post as the one I am creating now, a roundup of the best financial advice from across the web, from Bottom Line Secrets. A treasure trove for sure.

6. I couldn't collect a best of the web list without including money guru Dave Ramsey. Here is a great article listing 7 baby steps to financial peace of mind.

7. Jump all over this one if you don't click on another link in this post. There are 23 Lessons you need to learn to help you handle your personal finances from CNN Money.

(And now a word from our sponsor..:)). A great way to save money is to buy and/or sell unwanted gift cards at

8. This is one of my favorite financial advice blogs, and here is an article with the best financial advice ever. Read and remember.

9. Gotta get a link in here for the ladies. Smart Divas has wonderful investment advice for women. (and don't think, "I can't afford to invest, I can't even pay my bills, that's, as Dr.Phil says, "stinkin' thinkin'!"

10. really does have some of the most informative blogs online on a myriad of subjects and personal finance is among those. Check out the link here and the article on budgeting. Another one to bookmark.

If you know of other great personal finance and/or money advice sites or articles that I have left off, then be sure to leave a comment below with the link !



  1. Thanks for the mention Mercardi! Hope to see you around!



  2. You're welcome Sam, you should be commended for all your hard work.

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